Timeless Medium

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Put Your Thinking Cap On–A Trivia Adventure Awaits!

  1. What product was advertised with the jingle “It’s the real thing”?
  2. What company used the phrase “You deserve a break today”?
  3. What product was advertised with the catchphrase “It takes a tough man to make a tender chicken”?
  4. What product was advertised with the phrase “The quicker picker-upper”?
  5. What company used the phrase “Plop, plop, fizz, fizz, oh what a relief it is”?
  6. What product was advertised as “The breakfast of champions”?
  7. What product was advertised as the “Best part of waking up”?
  8. What product was advertised with the phrase “Finger-lickin’ good”?
  9. What product was advertised with the phrase “Where’s the beef”?
  10. What product was advertised with the phrase “Snap, crackle, pop”?
  11. What product was advertised with the phrase “It’s so creamy, and it tastes so good”?
  12. What product was advertised with the phrase “It gives you wings”?
  13. What product was advertised with the phrase “Nobody doesn’t like Sara Lee”?
  14. What product was advertised with the phrase “You can trust your car to the man who wears the star”?
  15. What product was advertised with the phrase “The taste of sun-ripened strawberries”?
  16. What product was advertised with the phrase “Tastes so good cats ask for it by name”?
  17. What product was advertised with the phrase “Just for the taste of it”?
  18. What product was advertised with the phrase “A little dab’ll do ya”?
  19. What product was advertised with the phrase “Betcha can’t eat just one”?
  20. What product was advertised with the phrase “It takes a tough man to make a tender burger”?
  21. What product was advertised with the phrase “Can you hear me now”?
  22. What product was advertised with the phrase “We bring good things to life”?
  23. What product was advertised with the phrase “When it rains, it pours”?
  24. What product was advertised with the phrase “Everyone needs a little ‘me time'”?
  25. What product was advertised with the phrase “It’s time to make the doughnuts”?

How well did you do? Think you got them all correct? Did you have to Google the answer? Stay tuned for more trivia questions.

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